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Why Inperson365 & Who is it for?
Business Requirements
Secure Emailing
If you want to ensure that the information in emails is secure from sender to recipient's mailbox, you need email encryption. It makes sure that the contents of the email cannot be read by third parties during transmission. However, as soon as you start dealing with the topic of email encryption, you will immediately be confronted with terms such as "private key", "public key", "certificates", "signing", "S/MIME", "PGP", "revocation certificate" and many more.
Once you have understood these terms and successfully mastered the time-consuming process of implementing traditional email encryption methods, you will probably start looking for alternative methods to encrypt emails.
User-friendly email encryption solution. We have recognized this problem and have designed a solution right from the start that takes a different approach without this complexity. Our add-in makes it possible to communicate ad-hoc bidirectionally without the installation of software on the client-side, without the exchange of certificates, without the creation of user accounts, and even without any previous knowledge.
Inperson365 represents an interesting alternative to traditional email encryption solutions and is consistently designed for user-friendliness, which leads to very high user acceptance.
Secure File Transfer
Looking for a solution to share files securely over the internet?
Give your employees and external communication partners a million times proven solution to transfer files securely - With Inperson365.
How to exchange files in daily business life?
It is essential for enterprises to be able to send and receive sensitive information and large amounts of data ad hoc, quickly and securely. Demands to exchange data - whether secret documents or big files - will increase in the future. Companies must have access to secure and easy-to-use solutions that are easily available to all.
The fact is that software solutions with which large files can be secured and sent that handle emails and offer an audit trail at the same time, are rare.
That's why we developed Inperson365 in the first place. A secure file transfer solution that lets you send files of any kind, of any size, securely, anytime, anywhere.
Sending Large Files
Give your employees and external communication partners a million times proven solution to send large files securely - With Inperson365.
The Inperson365 Portal is an always-available web application to send and receive large files and our Outlook add-in allows large file transfers directly in your Outlook.
After a successful upload, you will receive a dispatch confirmation in your email box and the recipient(s) will receive a transfer notification with the download link.
The provided files will be automatically deleted from the Inperson365 server after a time period defined by you. Thus you save your storage quotas, even if you regularly send very large files. After the automatic deletion process, you will receive the last email from Inperson365 with information if and when the provided files were downloaded by the recipient.
API and Automation
Not only your employees but also some of your systems generate sensitive data and large files that need to be exchanged securely with contacts outside or inside your company.
Even though these systems can be linked to email, there are many files and data that you probably don’t want to exchange unprotected or that are simply too large for sending them this way.
Automated transfers via Inperrson365
Automate your file transfers for mass distribution, one to many or many to many.
Using the Inperson365 automation tools, file transfers can take place as time-triggered or event-triggered actions to single recipients or to distribution lists.
These tools are used for distributing commercial materials, statements of account, batch clinical records, contract changes and so on.
When large volumes of data need to be sent, but security and compliance issues exist, Inperson365 solves these issues.

Legal Necessity
Inperson365 helps you to comply with numerous standards
While businesses and organizations exchange an ever-increasing amount of files electronically there are also more and more data privacy laws, rules, and regulations that try to stay on top of the technological development in order to keep customers' data safe. How Inperson365 helps with compliance.
Prevent Shadow IT
Shadow IT occurs when employees use unauthorized software. Companies immediately lose control over files that are stored outside their own infrastructure. Satisfy your compliance requirements and users at the same time to prevent shadow IT.
ISO 27001
Inperson365 software development process received ISO 27001 certification. This underscores Inperson365 ambition to provide the best possible and most secure digital transport service for enterprises’ data in transit. We help you to comply with ISO 27001.
The European Union has created a unified legislation to protect the interests of all citizens of the EU whose data may be held for one reason or another inside or outside the EU. It does include some significant new provisions with far-reaching impact to companies worldwide.
Intending to provide more transparency on the collection, use, and sale of data, it provides consumers with more power to determine what happens to their information and who gets to use it. California is breaking new ground with this legislation in the USA.
HIPAA provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information in the public health sector in the United States. It also secures the handling of electronic patient data and "Protected Health Information" (PHI).
NTA is an initiative by the Dutch government in the healthcare sector as there were a lot of data leakages. Finance, law, and government look at NTA as well. The main requirements of NTA are standardization and interoperability.
Central requirements of the GDPR
Right of access by the data subject and right to rectification using Inperson365
Encrypting data transfer to receiver possible
Ad-hoc use
Metadata is also encrypted
Right to be forgotten / Data Cleanup Rules
Limited storage time of the files on the server is configurable by client
"Data cemeteries" are avoided
Right to data portability and Cryptshare
Transfer of all file formats possible
Globally used means of transport by email and universal use of browsers give access to all
Data protection settings at a high level ... including those for outgoing emails
Protective email classification regulates the security settings for users in the enterprise
Central management of policy settings bring IT Compliance
Highly secure encryption is used at times
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Protection of the transferred files, in the case of a wrongly selected recipient. Only the correct recipient knows the agreed password.
Analysis by external DLP solution possible before or after data upload (reverse proxy server / pre-processing) meaning your DLP rules are applied.
Cloud services and the processing of data relating to orders (order data processing)
Operation of Cryptshare is possible on premise or on cloud service. Customer decides.
A contract for order processing between you and us is not required when operating Cryptshare in your own DMZ.
Prevent Shadow IT
What is shadow-IT?
The term shadow-IT describes a developing trend in business where employees use software and technologies for work that are neither implemented nor approved by IT, or the compliance-team. As this practice can lead to severe security issues companies should be aware of the risk and inform themselves on how to minimize those.
“One cannot, not communicate”. Paul Watzlawick made this remark, and whilst back then he said it in another context it can be applied in today’s business world: Today we would say “One cannot, not communicate digitally.” Most communication in companies is done electronically. Be it email, file exchange, messaging, or social platforms. In the course of this the IT-environment becomes ever more complex and the users’ expectations increase.
From private everyday communication, staff are used to means of communication that are setting the standards for what they want to use in their business environment. If the company fails to offer tools that live up to these expectations the users eventually turn to an alternative that offers them what they want and need to stay productive with the least user hurdles. This in turn leads to the use of software that isn’t compliant to the company’s security and data protection standards – unknown by the IT-department. The result is the so called shadow-IT.
How shadow-IT comes about
A common scenario for the rise of shadow-IT is the need to exchange files: everyday someone in the company has to exchange large files with a colleague, customer or partners. Since the most usual method of communication is the email, it’s the natural choice to also use it for exchanging files – as attachments to a message or just as a file transfer with a short note. Most email systems however are limited to only a few megabytes per message and are not designed to store large amounts of data. For lack of an option and under time pressure users turn to what they know from their private life: Public cloud solutions like Dropbox, GoogleDrive, or iCloud are well known, quick to get started and enabled to quickly get the file exchange going with external communication partners. For the user this way the problem is quickly fixed. For the company it can have severe consequences.
Risks of shadow-IT
When employees use unauthorized software the company immediately loses control over files that are stored on publicly available servers outside of their own infrastructure. This can already be an infringement of laws and regulations in many industries that handle, store, and exchange sensitive data of customers, patients, or clients. In addition many cloud services have only rudimentary ‘one policy for all’ security so that once an account is hacked all accounts and data are exposed – as many cases have shown in the past.
Especially with sensitive customer data and classified corporate information these consumer grade solutions are not suitable since the files are not necessarily stored and transferred encrypted.
Understanding the user
Even though employees might be used to the convenience of file sharing tools from their private life that doesn’t mean companies have to tolerate the unsanctioned use of them. But instead of simply outlawing them the leadership, in cooperation with the IT-department should ensure that secure and controlled options are available that are still as convenient to use as a regular email or privately known tools. Most employees only turn to unauthorized tools because there is no convenient one available – SFTP, S/MIME, and the like might cover the security requirements of a company but are outdated and just too complicated for the average business user.
Getting a solution that combines security and convenience
The needs that lie beneath the surface are to simply exchange messages and large files in an easy way and spontaneously with anyone inside or outside the company. If this is possible with a tool that is authorized by the company and even integrated in the familiar working environment, then there is no reason for the users to employ the illegitimate software. In order to adjust their IT-infrastructure to these challenges and find the right solutions companies should check the following seven points:
Ease of use:
If the software is straightforward it will gain user acceptance much faster and make implementation easier. -
Readily available:
A solution that is always on-hand without entry barriers, such as installations or exchange of certificates, will increase productivity. -
Suitable for all contents:
Messages and files of all sorts and sizes should be exchangeable via the tool without any problems. -
Good value:
A fair pricing model and no additional cost for external users and private customers of your company make the right solutions cost-efficient. -
Transit and temporary storage have to be encrypted. -
Interfaces for antivirus scanning, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and key management through the company are should be standard. -
Adaptable to your compliance:
The right software provides comprehensive logging, options for archiving, confirmation of receipt, and by this full auditability.
Protective Email Classification
IT compliance made easy
for you and your staff.
With Inperson365 protective email classification.
Due to increasing requirements in data protection and data security, companies have to manage their data processing processes securely. In addition to email encryption, Inperson365 offers the capability to classify data before transmission with Microsoft Outlook. Data classification is an important compliance standard asked for by the GDPR.
Inperson365 protective email classification makes it possible to classify outgoing messages depending on the sensitivity of the contents in different protection classes as defined by the enterprise. Depending on the selected protection class, customised transmission paths and settings can be specified administratively.

HIPPA Compliant Email Communication
HIPAA Compliance
Security of patient data regarding data protection
Companies in the health care sector are often very large and their service facilities scattered over a wide area. A critical factor for good results in healthcare to have all information for a patient's treatment available on site. Often, many people who work in different departments and disciplines are involved.
At the same time, up to date patient data is frequently needed on short notice. Strict regulation pertaining to the confidentiality of personal data presents a challenge to healthcare facilities. With Cryptshare, you will find it easy to meet these requirements, for a low cost and with fast benefits.
Medical facilities have been looking for a way to comply with these new laws, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or other compliance guidelines. Just like the German Data Protection Act, HIPAA provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information in the public health sector in the United States. It also secures the handling of electronic patient data and "Protected Health Information" (PHI). This data is sensitive and confidential, yet many medical facilities send them as open documents via email both internally and to vendors.
Submission of the health care claim billing information by medical specialists, chiropractors or dentists, etc.
Encounter information
Claims to payment partners (pharmacies e.g.)
Treatment data, result reports or diagnosis between medical facilities
Storage of patient data via cloud-solutions
Constant changing of laws in the healthcare sector is very challenging for medical facilities, particularly regarding daily transfers of sensitive data. At the same time, the strict HIPAA allows all medical facilities that work with patient data outside the United States to use new methods to improve the security of electronic data transfer.
As a healthcare provider, you are now facing the challenge of finding an IT solution that adheres to the compliance guidelines and HIPAA requirements. It also needs to have a high adoption rate with users and a flexible licensing model. How can Cryptshare help you meet HIPAA requirements? How can you avoid security breaches in the future?
Compliance with HIPAA - how can Inperson365 help you?
The integration of Inperson365 into your daily email usage (Office tools, such as Outlook or Notes) helps create best practices for email security. (For example in tele-medicine).
With our solution of encrypted email delivery of sensitive information and large data, we support medical facilities in meeting the compliance guidelines and in securing hospital IT.
HIPPA Compliant Email Communication
Fully integratable
Archiving of data is demanded by numerous laws and regulations, above all by GDPR. The Inperson365 archiving and DMS interface allows you to work with your existing archiving and document management systems.
All data that is transferred via Inperson365 - inbound and outbound files and messages - can be handed over to your archiving or DMS system in plain text and stored or processed there.
The transmission can be done via Secure Copy Protocol (SCP). The protocol ensures the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the transmitted data. The interface can be implemented easily and quickly and thus guarantees smooth data processing.
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